Website build pricing informationIn order to make my pricing make moresense this information explains how Ioperate. The website build pricingas seen starts at £200.00 this is for a4 page website, relating to the averageclient. A discount can be offered if lessis required. The highest charge £2,000.00is the cut off point.
All major payment options acceptedPricing structurewebsite build£200.00-£2,000.00Extra pages when requiredthis includes new website£50.00 per page/also add to minimumwebsite chargeUpdates when requiredall updates chargeddaily per month£25.00-per dayUpdate are not charged for weekendsSo you will only pay for 5 in 7 daysper month if required for the weekend.Graphic and Logo design£50-£100 (£100.00 per-month if required forfurther work complete with client discount foreach job thereafter.)Logo’s: £125.00Hosting£5.00 per-month (only as part of the websitebuild arrangement)Website & graphic design training£2,500.00 one off fee (£100.00-per month if further training is required) contact me formore information.Service charge£100.00-per monthFor further information visit my service pageor contact me.
Expected time table.
BudgetThe overall amount you expect for the project will be discussed before agreement
HoursThe time frame for the project including the start date and the finalisation date.
QualityWhat you expect from the project in relation to your business and how you wish it to appear to you visitors.
ApprovedOnce the plan is discused and layed out, agreed and approved.
The projectI work from a per-project bases in other words I don’t expect payment per hour. I firmlly believe that as a home based business you do not need to. So I only expect to be paid once the work is complete.
QualityWhat type of business you run matters to the type of design you end up with. The designs I create are of the highest qulity so the website, graphics or logo will reflect that. Even the most basic website can look stunning and should be to benifit the cost.
This website is the property of Graham Davies at GD Vision Web Design.
All major payment options acceptedPricing structurewebsite build£200.00-£2,000.00Extra pages when requiredthis includes new website£50.00 per page/also add to minimumwebsite chargeUpdates when requiredall updates chargeddaily per month£25.00-per dayUpdate are not charged for weekendsSo you will only pay for 5 in 7 daysper month if required for the weekend.Graphic and Logo design£50-£100 (£100.00 per-month if required forfurther work complete with client discount foreach job thereafter.)Logo’s: £125.00Hosting£5.00 per-month (only as part of the websitebuild arrangement)Website & graphic design training£2,500.00 one off fee (£100.00-per month if further training is required) contact me formore information.Service charge£100.00-per monthFor further information visit my service pageor contact me.
Website build pricing informationIn order to make my pricing make moresense this information explains how Ioperate. The website build pricingas seen starts at £200.00 this is for a4 page website, relating to the averageclient. A discount can be offered if lessis required. The highest charge £2,000.00is the cut off point.
A pricing structure to suite your business.
all major payment methods accepted.
Expected time table.
BudgetThe overall amount you expect for the project will be discussed before agreement
HoursThe time frame for the project including the start date and the finalisation date.
QualityWhat you expect from the project in relation to your business and how you wish it to appear to you visitors.
ApprovedOnce the plan is discused and layed out, agreed and approved.
QualityWhat type of business you run matters to the type of design you end up with. The designs I create are of the highest qulity so the website, graphics or logo will reflect that. Even the most basic website can look stunning and should be to benifit the cost.
The projectI work from a per-project bases in other words I don’t expect payment per hour. I firmlly believe that as a home based business you do not need to. So I only expect to be paid once the work is complete.
All major payment options acceptedPricing structurewebsite build£200.00-£2,000.00Extra pages when requiredthis includes new website£50.00 per page/also add to minimumwebsite chargeUpdates when requiredall updates chargeddaily per month£25.00-per dayUpdate are not charged for weekendsSo you will only pay for 5 in 7 daysper month if required for the weekend.Graphic and Logo design£50-£100 (£100.00 per-month if required forfurther work complete with client discount foreach job thereafter.)Logo’s: £125.00Hosting£5.00 per-month (only as part of the websitebuild arrangement)Website & graphic design training£2,500.00 one off fee (£100.00-per month if further training is required) contact me formore information.Service charge£100.00-per monthFor further information visit my service pageor contact me.
Website build pricing informationIn order to make my pricing make moresense this information explains how Ioperate. The website build pricingas seen starts at £200.00 this is for a4 page website, relating to the averageclient. A discount can be offered if lessis required. The highest charge £2,000.00is the cut off point.
A pricing structure to suite your business.
all major payment methods accepted.
Expected time table.
BudgetThe overall amount you expect for the project will be discussed before agreement
HoursThe time frame for the project including the start date and the finalisation date.
QualityWhat you expect from the project in relation to your business and how you wish it to appear to you visitors.
ApprovedOnce the plan is discused and layed out, agreed and approved.
QualityWhat type of business you run matters to the type of design you end up with. The designs I create are of the highest qulity so the website, graphics or logo will reflect that. Even the most basic website can look stunning and should be to benifit the cost.
The projectI work from a per-project bases in other words I don’t expect payment per hour. I firmlly believe that as a home based business you do not need to. So I only expect to be paid once the work is complete.